More lenders are offering 95% loan-to-value mortgages
23 April 2019

Without the help of high loan-to-value mortgages some will have spent years saving for a deposit,
are still living with parents, or are stuck in the rental cycle. The dream of owning our own homes
seems somewhat in the distance.
But are times changing?
The number of mortgage providers that include a maximum 95 per cent loan-to-value product in
their range now stands at 60*, up from 53 a year ago and 13 more than five years ago, according to
Moneyfacts. This is great news for potential first-time buyers and home movers.
A decade ago a borrower with a five per cent deposit had just three products from three mortgage
providers to choose from. Today, you have a choice of a massive 405 products, including 67 variable
deals, from a huge total of 60 providers*.
More than four fifths of mortgages available at a maximum 95% loan-to-value are fixed rate
mortgages, accounting for 338 products of the 405 available.
These deals enable you borrowers to have the certainty of knowing what your monthly repayment
amount will be. This is perhaps of particular importance to those you who are taking their first steps
onto the property ladder.
With the number of high loan-to-value options now available it’s important to seek professional
advice. Your adviser will be able to find the right mortgage for you, or your loved one’s specific
circumstances should they want to take that first step onto the property ladder, which can be
If you, or someone you know, would like to take advantage of the high loan-to-value mortgages
available, please contact us today.
* Number of products correct as of 16/04/2019